{"version":3,"file":"ReviewTiles-CdA8jumw.js","sources":["../../../app/javascript/components/common/auth/AuthContext.ts","../../../node_modules/@floating-ui/utils/dist/floating-ui.utils.dom.mjs","../../../node_modules/@floating-ui/react/dist/floating-ui.react.utils.mjs","../../../node_modules/@floating-ui/utils/dist/floating-ui.utils.mjs","../../../node_modules/tabbable/dist/index.esm.js","../../../node_modules/@floating-ui/core/dist/floating-ui.core.mjs","../../../node_modules/@floating-ui/dom/dist/floating-ui.dom.mjs","../../../node_modules/@floating-ui/react-dom/dist/floating-ui.react-dom.mjs","../../../node_modules/@floating-ui/react/dist/floating-ui.react.mjs","../../../app/javascript/components/review_tiles/AuthorInfo.tsx","../../../app/javascript/components/review_tiles/Contract.tsx","../../../app/javascript/components/routes/external.ts","../../../app/javascript/components/review_tiles/ReviewSource.tsx","../../../app/javascript/components/review_tiles/review_reply/ReplyButton.tsx","../../../app/javascript/components/review_tiles/review_reply/EditingControls.tsx","../../../app/javascript/components/supplier_show/SupplierContext.ts","../../../node_modules/fast-deep-equal/index.js","../../../node_modules/react-contenteditable/lib/react-contenteditable.js","../../../app/javascript/components/review_tiles/review_reply/ReplyForms.tsx","../../../app/javascript/components/review_tiles/review_reply/ReviewReplyModal.tsx","../../../app/javascript/components/review_tiles/review_reply/ReplyFormSelector.tsx","../../../app/assets/images/close-x.svg","../../../app/javascript/components/common/modal/Modal.tsx","../../../app/assets/images/pro-checkmark.svg","../../../app/javascript/components/supplier_show/BecomeAProModal.tsx","../../../app/javascript/components/review_tiles/review_reply/ReviewReply.tsx","../../../app/javascript/components/review_tiles/ReviewTile.tsx","../../../app/javascript/components/review_tiles/ReviewTiles.tsx"],"sourcesContent":["import { createContext } from 'react'\n\n/**\n * Enum of the different types of Procurated users.\n *\n * - `UNAUTHED` - A user who is not logged in.\n * - `SUPPLIER_USER` - A user who belongs to a supplier organization.\n * - `AGENCY_USER` - A government user who belongs to an agency organization.\n *\n * `as const` is necessary to ensure proper typing.\n */\nexport const USER_TYPES = {\n UNAUTHED: 'unauthed',\n SUPPLIER_USER: 'supplier',\n AGENCY_USER: 'agency'\n} as const\n\n/**\n * Enum of the different states a user's account can be in.\n *\n * - `VERIFIED` - The user has been verified by admins and has full access to Procurated.\n * - `UNVERIFIED` - The user has not been fully verified and has limited access to Procurated services.\n *\n * `as const` is necessary to ensure proper typing.\n */\nexport const USER_STATES = {\n VERIFIED: 'verified',\n UNVERIFIED: 'unverified'\n} as const\n\n/**\n * Takes one of the object enum types above and gets their value type.\n * `keyof (typeof USER_TYPES)` is verbose.\n */\ntype ObjectEnum = T[keyof T]\n\nexport type UserType = ObjectEnum\nexport type UserState = ObjectEnum\n\n/**\n * The authentication state of the current user.\n *\n * Includes information about the user as well as their authentication status.\n */\nexport interface AuthState {\n canReplyToReview: boolean\n userType: UserType\n userState: UserState\n isOwner: boolean\n isTxVpts: boolean\n userIsGooglebot: boolean\n canaryPaidSupplier: boolean\n}\n\nexport const agencyUser = (authContext: AuthState): boolean => {\n return authContext.userType === USER_TYPES.AGENCY_USER\n}\n\n/**\n *\n * @param authContext\n * @returns If the user is allowed to report abuse on review\n */\nexport const canReportAbuse = (authContext: AuthState): boolean => {\n return !authContext.isOwner\n}\n\n/**\n * @param authContext The current auth state.\n * @returns Whether the user is a public user (either unauthenticated or unverified).\n */\nexport const showPublicOnly = (authContext: AuthState): boolean => {\n return authContext?.userType === USER_TYPES.UNAUTHED || authContext?.userState === USER_STATES.UNVERIFIED\n}\n\n/**\n * @param authContext The current auth state.\n * @returns Whether the user is an agency user and is verified.\n */\nexport const verifiedAgencyUser = (authContext: AuthState): boolean => {\n return authContext?.userType === USER_TYPES.AGENCY_USER && authContext.userState === USER_STATES.VERIFIED\n}\n\n/**\n * @param user The user to check the permissions of.\n * @param supplier The supplier with whether the user can edit them.\n * @returns Whether the user can edit the supplier as a supplier user.\n */\nexport const canEditSupplier = (user: { userType: UserType }, supplier: { canEdit?: boolean }): boolean => {\n return supplier.canEdit === true && user.userType === USER_TYPES.SUPPLIER_USER\n}\n\n/**\n * @param user The user to check the permissions of.\n * @param supplier The supplier to check the user's permissions for.\n * @returns Whether the user can reply to a review on the supplier or not.\n */\nexport const canReplyToReview = (user: { userType: UserType }, supplier: { pro?: boolean, canEdit?: boolean }): boolean => {\n return canEditSupplier(user, supplier) && supplier.pro === true\n}\n\n/**\n * @param authContext The auth context.\n * @returns Whether the user is an owner of the supplier.\n */\nexport const isSupplierOwner = (authContext: AuthState): boolean => {\n return (authContext.userType === USER_TYPES.SUPPLIER_USER) && authContext.isOwner\n}\n\n/**\n * Default context.\n */\nexport const DEFAULT_AUTH_CONTEXT = {\n canReplyToReview: false,\n isOwner: false,\n isTxVpts: false,\n userState: USER_STATES.UNVERIFIED,\n userType: USER_TYPES.UNAUTHED,\n userIsGooglebot: false,\n canaryPaidSupplier: false\n}\n\n/**\n * Context containing the current authentication state.\n */\nexport const AuthContext = createContext(DEFAULT_AUTH_CONTEXT)\n","function hasWindow() {\n return typeof window !== 'undefined';\n}\nfunction getNodeName(node) {\n if (isNode(node)) {\n return (node.nodeName || '').toLowerCase();\n }\n // Mocked nodes in testing environments may not be instances of Node. By\n // returning `#document` an infinite loop won't occur.\n // https://github.com/floating-ui/floating-ui/issues/2317\n return '#document';\n}\nfunction getWindow(node) {\n var _node$ownerDocument;\n return (node == null || (_node$ownerDocument = node.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _node$ownerDocument.defaultView) || window;\n}\nfunction getDocumentElement(node) {\n var _ref;\n return (_ref = (isNode(node) ? node.ownerDocument : node.document) || window.document) == null ? void 0 : _ref.documentElement;\n}\nfunction isNode(value) {\n if (!hasWindow()) {\n return false;\n }\n return value instanceof Node || value instanceof getWindow(value).Node;\n}\nfunction isElement(value) {\n if (!hasWindow()) {\n return false;\n }\n return value instanceof Element || value instanceof getWindow(value).Element;\n}\nfunction isHTMLElement(value) {\n if (!hasWindow()) {\n return false;\n }\n return value instanceof HTMLElement || value instanceof getWindow(value).HTMLElement;\n}\nfunction isShadowRoot(value) {\n if (!hasWindow() || typeof ShadowRoot === 'undefined') {\n return false;\n }\n return value instanceof ShadowRoot || value instanceof getWindow(value).ShadowRoot;\n}\nfunction isOverflowElement(element) {\n const {\n overflow,\n overflowX,\n overflowY,\n display\n } = getComputedStyle(element);\n return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden|clip/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX) && !['inline', 'contents'].includes(display);\n}\nfunction isTableElement(element) {\n return ['table', 'td', 'th'].includes(getNodeName(element));\n}\nfunction isTopLayer(element) {\n return [':popover-open', ':modal'].some(selector => {\n try {\n return element.matches(selector);\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n });\n}\nfunction isContainingBlock(elementOrCss) {\n const webkit = isWebKit();\n const css = isElement(elementOrCss) ? getComputedStyle(elementOrCss) : elementOrCss;\n\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Containing_block#identifying_the_containing_block\n // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transforms-2/#individual-transforms\n return ['transform', 'translate', 'scale', 'rotate', 'perspective'].some(value => css[value] ? css[value] !== 'none' : false) || (css.containerType ? css.containerType !== 'normal' : false) || !webkit && (css.backdropFilter ? css.backdropFilter !== 'none' : false) || !webkit && (css.filter ? css.filter !== 'none' : false) || ['transform', 'translate', 'scale', 'rotate', 'perspective', 'filter'].some(value => (css.willChange || '').includes(value)) || ['paint', 'layout', 'strict', 'content'].some(value => (css.contain || '').includes(value));\n}\nfunction getContainingBlock(element) {\n let currentNode = getParentNode(element);\n while (isHTMLElement(currentNode) && !isLastTraversableNode(currentNode)) {\n if (isContainingBlock(currentNode)) {\n return currentNode;\n } else if (isTopLayer(currentNode)) {\n return null;\n }\n currentNode = getParentNode(currentNode);\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction isWebKit() {\n if (typeof CSS === 'undefined' || !CSS.supports) return false;\n return CSS.supports('-webkit-backdrop-filter', 'none');\n}\nfunction isLastTraversableNode(node) {\n return ['html', 'body', '#document'].includes(getNodeName(node));\n}\nfunction getComputedStyle(element) {\n return getWindow(element).getComputedStyle(element);\n}\nfunction getNodeScroll(element) {\n if (isElement(element)) {\n return {\n scrollLeft: element.scrollLeft,\n scrollTop: element.scrollTop\n };\n }\n return {\n scrollLeft: element.scrollX,\n scrollTop: element.scrollY\n };\n}\nfunction getParentNode(node) {\n if (getNodeName(node) === 'html') {\n return node;\n }\n const result =\n // Step into the shadow DOM of the parent of a slotted node.\n node.assignedSlot ||\n // DOM Element detected.\n node.parentNode ||\n // ShadowRoot detected.\n isShadowRoot(node) && node.host ||\n // Fallback.\n getDocumentElement(node);\n return isShadowRoot(result) ? result.host : result;\n}\nfunction getNearestOverflowAncestor(node) {\n const parentNode = getParentNode(node);\n if (isLastTraversableNode(parentNode)) {\n return node.ownerDocument ? node.ownerDocument.body : node.body;\n }\n if (isHTMLElement(parentNode) && isOverflowElement(parentNode)) {\n return parentNode;\n }\n return getNearestOverflowAncestor(parentNode);\n}\nfunction getOverflowAncestors(node, list, traverseIframes) {\n var _node$ownerDocument2;\n if (list === void 0) {\n list = [];\n }\n if (traverseIframes === void 0) {\n traverseIframes = true;\n }\n const scrollableAncestor = getNearestOverflowAncestor(node);\n const isBody = scrollableAncestor === ((_node$ownerDocument2 = node.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _node$ownerDocument2.body);\n const win = getWindow(scrollableAncestor);\n if (isBody) {\n const frameElement = getFrameElement(win);\n return list.concat(win, win.visualViewport || [], isOverflowElement(scrollableAncestor) ? scrollableAncestor : [], frameElement && traverseIframes ? getOverflowAncestors(frameElement) : []);\n }\n return list.concat(scrollableAncestor, getOverflowAncestors(scrollableAncestor, [], traverseIframes));\n}\nfunction getFrameElement(win) {\n return win.parent && Object.getPrototypeOf(win.parent) ? win.frameElement : null;\n}\n\nexport { getComputedStyle, getContainingBlock, getDocumentElement, getFrameElement, getNearestOverflowAncestor, getNodeName, getNodeScroll, getOverflowAncestors, getParentNode, getWindow, isContainingBlock, isElement, isHTMLElement, isLastTraversableNode, isNode, isOverflowElement, isShadowRoot, isTableElement, isTopLayer, isWebKit };\n","import { isShadowRoot, isHTMLElement } from '@floating-ui/utils/dom';\n\nfunction activeElement(doc) {\n let activeElement = doc.activeElement;\n while (((_activeElement = activeElement) == null || (_activeElement = _activeElement.shadowRoot) == null ? void 0 : _activeElement.activeElement) != null) {\n var _activeElement;\n activeElement = activeElement.shadowRoot.activeElement;\n }\n return activeElement;\n}\nfunction contains(parent, child) {\n if (!parent || !child) {\n return false;\n }\n const rootNode = child.getRootNode == null ? void 0 : child.getRootNode();\n\n // First, attempt with faster native method\n if (parent.contains(child)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n // then fallback to custom implementation with Shadow DOM support\n if (rootNode && isShadowRoot(rootNode)) {\n let next = child;\n while (next) {\n if (parent === next) {\n return true;\n }\n // @ts-ignore\n next = next.parentNode || next.host;\n }\n }\n\n // Give up, the result is false\n return false;\n}\n// Avoid Chrome DevTools blue warning.\nfunction getPlatform() {\n const uaData = navigator.userAgentData;\n if (uaData != null && uaData.platform) {\n return uaData.platform;\n }\n return navigator.platform;\n}\nfunction getUserAgent() {\n const uaData = navigator.userAgentData;\n if (uaData && Array.isArray(uaData.brands)) {\n return uaData.brands.map(_ref => {\n let {\n brand,\n version\n } = _ref;\n return brand + \"/\" + version;\n }).join(' ');\n }\n return navigator.userAgent;\n}\n\n// License: https://github.com/adobe/react-spectrum/blob/b35d5c02fe900badccd0cf1a8f23bb593419f238/packages/@react-aria/utils/src/isVirtualEvent.ts\nfunction isVirtualClick(event) {\n // FIXME: Firefox is now emitting a deprecation warning for `mozInputSource`.\n // Try to find a workaround for this. `react-aria` source still has the check.\n if (event.mozInputSource === 0 && event.isTrusted) {\n return true;\n }\n if (isAndroid() && event.pointerType) {\n return event.type === 'click' && event.buttons === 1;\n }\n return event.detail === 0 && !event.pointerType;\n}\nfunction isVirtualPointerEvent(event) {\n if (isJSDOM()) return false;\n return !isAndroid() && event.width === 0 && event.height === 0 || isAndroid() && event.width === 1 && event.height === 1 && event.pressure === 0 && event.detail === 0 && event.pointerType === 'mouse' ||\n // iOS VoiceOver returns 0.333• for width/height.\n event.width < 1 && event.height < 1 && event.pressure === 0 && event.detail === 0 && event.pointerType === 'touch';\n}\nfunction isSafari() {\n // Chrome DevTools does not complain about navigator.vendor\n return /apple/i.test(navigator.vendor);\n}\nfunction isAndroid() {\n const re = /android/i;\n return re.test(getPlatform()) || re.test(getUserAgent());\n}\nfunction isMac() {\n return getPlatform().toLowerCase().startsWith('mac') && !navigator.maxTouchPoints;\n}\nfunction isJSDOM() {\n return getUserAgent().includes('jsdom/');\n}\nfunction isMouseLikePointerType(pointerType, strict) {\n // On some Linux machines with Chromium, mouse inputs return a `pointerType`\n // of \"pen\": https://github.com/floating-ui/floating-ui/issues/2015\n const values = ['mouse', 'pen'];\n if (!strict) {\n values.push('', undefined);\n }\n return values.includes(pointerType);\n}\nfunction isReactEvent(event) {\n return 'nativeEvent' in event;\n}\nfunction isRootElement(element) {\n return element.matches('html,body');\n}\nfunction getDocument(node) {\n return (node == null ? void 0 : node.ownerDocument) || document;\n}\nfunction isEventTargetWithin(event, node) {\n if (node == null) {\n return false;\n }\n if ('composedPath' in event) {\n return event.composedPath().includes(node);\n }\n\n // TS thinks `event` is of type never as it assumes all browsers support composedPath, but browsers without shadow dom don't\n const e = event;\n return e.target != null && node.contains(e.target);\n}\nfunction getTarget(event) {\n if ('composedPath' in event) {\n return event.composedPath()[0];\n }\n\n // TS thinks `event` is of type never as it assumes all browsers support\n // `composedPath()`, but browsers without shadow DOM don't.\n return event.target;\n}\nconst TYPEABLE_SELECTOR = \"input:not([type='hidden']):not([disabled]),\" + \"[contenteditable]:not([contenteditable='false']),textarea:not([disabled])\";\nfunction isTypeableElement(element) {\n return isHTMLElement(element) && element.matches(TYPEABLE_SELECTOR);\n}\nfunction stopEvent(event) {\n event.preventDefault();\n event.stopPropagation();\n}\nfunction isTypeableCombobox(element) {\n if (!element) return false;\n return element.getAttribute('role') === 'combobox' && isTypeableElement(element);\n}\n\nexport { TYPEABLE_SELECTOR, activeElement, contains, getDocument, getPlatform, getTarget, getUserAgent, isAndroid, isEventTargetWithin, isJSDOM, isMac, isMouseLikePointerType, isReactEvent, isRootElement, isSafari, isTypeableCombobox, isTypeableElement, isVirtualClick, isVirtualPointerEvent, stopEvent };\n","/**\n * Custom positioning reference element.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/virtual-elements\n */\n\nconst sides = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];\nconst alignments = ['start', 'end'];\nconst placements = /*#__PURE__*/sides.reduce((acc, side) => acc.concat(side, side + \"-\" + alignments[0], side + \"-\" + alignments[1]), []);\nconst min = Math.min;\nconst max = Math.max;\nconst round = Math.round;\nconst floor = Math.floor;\nconst createCoords = v => ({\n x: v,\n y: v\n});\nconst oppositeSideMap = {\n left: 'right',\n right: 'left',\n bottom: 'top',\n top: 'bottom'\n};\nconst oppositeAlignmentMap = {\n start: 'end',\n end: 'start'\n};\nfunction clamp(start, value, end) {\n return max(start, min(value, end));\n}\nfunction evaluate(value, param) {\n return typeof value === 'function' ? value(param) : value;\n}\nfunction getSide(placement) {\n return placement.split('-')[0];\n}\nfunction getAlignment(placement) {\n return placement.split('-')[1];\n}\nfunction getOppositeAxis(axis) {\n return axis === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x';\n}\nfunction getAxisLength(axis) {\n return axis === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width';\n}\nfunction getSideAxis(placement) {\n return ['top', 'bottom'].includes(getSide(placement)) ? 'y' : 'x';\n}\nfunction getAlignmentAxis(placement) {\n return getOppositeAxis(getSideAxis(placement));\n}\nfunction getAlignmentSides(placement, rects, rtl) {\n if (rtl === void 0) {\n rtl = false;\n }\n const alignment = getAlignment(placement);\n const alignmentAxis = getAlignmentAxis(placement);\n const length = getAxisLength(alignmentAxis);\n let mainAlignmentSide = alignmentAxis === 'x' ? alignment === (rtl ? 'end' : 'start') ? 'right' : 'left' : alignment === 'start' ? 'bottom' : 'top';\n if (rects.reference[length] > rects.floating[length]) {\n mainAlignmentSide = getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide);\n }\n return [mainAlignmentSide, getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide)];\n}\nfunction getExpandedPlacements(placement) {\n const oppositePlacement = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n return [getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement), oppositePlacement, getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(oppositePlacement)];\n}\nfunction getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement) {\n return placement.replace(/start|end/g, alignment => oppositeAlignmentMap[alignment]);\n}\nfunction getSideList(side, isStart, rtl) {\n const lr = ['left', 'right'];\n const rl = ['right', 'left'];\n const tb = ['top', 'bottom'];\n const bt = ['bottom', 'top'];\n switch (side) {\n case 'top':\n case 'bottom':\n if (rtl) return isStart ? rl : lr;\n return isStart ? lr : rl;\n case 'left':\n case 'right':\n return isStart ? tb : bt;\n default:\n return [];\n }\n}\nfunction getOppositeAxisPlacements(placement, flipAlignment, direction, rtl) {\n const alignment = getAlignment(placement);\n let list = getSideList(getSide(placement), direction === 'start', rtl);\n if (alignment) {\n list = list.map(side => side + \"-\" + alignment);\n if (flipAlignment) {\n list = list.concat(list.map(getOppositeAlignmentPlacement));\n }\n }\n return list;\n}\nfunction getOppositePlacement(placement) {\n return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, side => oppositeSideMap[side]);\n}\nfunction expandPaddingObject(padding) {\n return {\n top: 0,\n right: 0,\n bottom: 0,\n left: 0,\n ...padding\n };\n}\nfunction getPaddingObject(padding) {\n return typeof padding !== 'number' ? expandPaddingObject(padding) : {\n top: padding,\n right: padding,\n bottom: padding,\n left: padding\n };\n}\nfunction rectToClientRect(rect) {\n const {\n x,\n y,\n width,\n height\n } = rect;\n return {\n width,\n height,\n top: y,\n left: x,\n right: x + width,\n bottom: y + height,\n x,\n y\n };\n}\n\nexport { alignments, clamp, createCoords, evaluate, expandPaddingObject, floor, getAlignment, getAlignmentAxis, getAlignmentSides, getAxisLength, getExpandedPlacements, getOppositeAlignmentPlacement, getOppositeAxis, getOppositeAxisPlacements, getOppositePlacement, getPaddingObject, getSide, getSideAxis, max, min, placements, rectToClientRect, round, sides };\n","/*!\n* tabbable 6.2.0\n* @license MIT, https://github.com/focus-trap/tabbable/blob/master/LICENSE\n*/\n// NOTE: separate `:not()` selectors has broader browser support than the newer\n// `:not([inert], [inert] *)` (Feb 2023)\n// CAREFUL: JSDom does not support `:not([inert] *)` as a selector; using it causes\n// the entire query to fail, resulting in no nodes found, which will break a lot\n// of things... so we have to rely on JS to identify nodes inside an inert container\nvar candidateSelectors = ['input:not([inert])', 'select:not([inert])', 'textarea:not([inert])', 'a[href]:not([inert])', 'button:not([inert])', '[tabindex]:not(slot):not([inert])', 'audio[controls]:not([inert])', 'video[controls]:not([inert])', '[contenteditable]:not([contenteditable=\"false\"]):not([inert])', 'details>summary:first-of-type:not([inert])', 'details:not([inert])'];\nvar candidateSelector = /* #__PURE__ */candidateSelectors.join(',');\nvar NoElement = typeof Element === 'undefined';\nvar matches = NoElement ? function () {} : Element.prototype.matches || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;\nvar getRootNode = !NoElement && Element.prototype.getRootNode ? function (element) {\n var _element$getRootNode;\n return element === null || element === void 0 ? void 0 : (_element$getRootNode = element.getRootNode) === null || _element$getRootNode === void 0 ? void 0 : _element$getRootNode.call(element);\n} : function (element) {\n return element === null || element === void 0 ? void 0 : element.ownerDocument;\n};\n\n/**\n * Determines if a node is inert or in an inert ancestor.\n * @param {Element} [node]\n * @param {boolean} [lookUp] If true and `node` is not inert, looks up at ancestors to\n * see if any of them are inert. If false, only `node` itself is considered.\n * @returns {boolean} True if inert itself or by way of being in an inert ancestor.\n * False if `node` is falsy.\n */\nvar isInert = function isInert(node, lookUp) {\n var _node$getAttribute;\n if (lookUp === void 0) {\n lookUp = true;\n }\n // CAREFUL: JSDom does not support inert at all, so we can't use the `HTMLElement.inert`\n // JS API property; we have to check the attribute, which can either be empty or 'true';\n // if it's `null` (not specified) or 'false', it's an active element\n var inertAtt = node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : (_node$getAttribute = node.getAttribute) === null || _node$getAttribute === void 0 ? void 0 : _node$getAttribute.call(node, 'inert');\n var inert = inertAtt === '' || inertAtt === 'true';\n\n // NOTE: this could also be handled with `node.matches('[inert], :is([inert] *)')`\n // if it weren't for `matches()` not being a function on shadow roots; the following\n // code works for any kind of node\n // CAREFUL: JSDom does not appear to support certain selectors like `:not([inert] *)`\n // so it likely would not support `:is([inert] *)` either...\n var result = inert || lookUp && node && isInert(node.parentNode); // recursive\n\n return result;\n};\n\n/**\n * Determines if a node's content is editable.\n * @param {Element} [node]\n * @returns True if it's content-editable; false if it's not or `node` is falsy.\n */\nvar isContentEditable = function isContentEditable(node) {\n var _node$getAttribute2;\n // CAREFUL: JSDom does not support the `HTMLElement.isContentEditable` API so we have\n // to use the attribute directly to check for this, which can either be empty or 'true';\n // if it's `null` (not specified) or 'false', it's a non-editable element\n var attValue = node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : (_node$getAttribute2 = node.getAttribute) === null || _node$getAttribute2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _node$getAttribute2.call(node, 'contenteditable');\n return attValue === '' || attValue === 'true';\n};\n\n/**\n * @param {Element} el container to check in\n * @param {boolean} includeContainer add container to check\n * @param {(node: Element) => boolean} filter filter candidates\n * @returns {Element[]}\n */\nvar getCandidates = function getCandidates(el, includeContainer, filter) {\n // even if `includeContainer=false`, we still have to check it for inertness because\n // if it's inert, all its children are inert\n if (isInert(el)) {\n return [];\n }\n var candidates = Array.prototype.slice.apply(el.querySelectorAll(candidateSelector));\n if (includeContainer && matches.call(el, candidateSelector)) {\n candidates.unshift(el);\n }\n candidates = candidates.filter(filter);\n return candidates;\n};\n\n/**\n * @callback GetShadowRoot\n * @param {Element} element to check for shadow root\n * @returns {ShadowRoot|boolean} ShadowRoot if available or boolean indicating if a shadowRoot is attached but not available.\n */\n\n/**\n * @callback ShadowRootFilter\n * @param {Element} shadowHostNode the element which contains shadow content\n * @returns {boolean} true if a shadow root could potentially contain valid candidates.\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} CandidateScope\n * @property {Element} scopeParent contains inner candidates\n * @property {Element[]} candidates list of candidates found in the scope parent\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} IterativeOptions\n * @property {GetShadowRoot|boolean} getShadowRoot true if shadow support is enabled; falsy if not;\n * if a function, implies shadow support is enabled and either returns the shadow root of an element\n * or a boolean stating if it has an undisclosed shadow root\n * @property {(node: Element) => boolean} filter filter candidates\n * @property {boolean} flatten if true then result will flatten any CandidateScope into the returned list\n * @property {ShadowRootFilter} shadowRootFilter filter shadow roots;\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {Element[]} elements list of element containers to match candidates from\n * @param {boolean} includeContainer add container list to check\n * @param {IterativeOptions} options\n * @returns {Array.}\n */\nvar getCandidatesIteratively = function getCandidatesIteratively(elements, includeContainer, options) {\n var candidates = [];\n var elementsToCheck = Array.from(elements);\n while (elementsToCheck.length) {\n var element = elementsToCheck.shift();\n if (isInert(element, false)) {\n // no need to look up since we're drilling down\n // anything inside this container will also be inert\n continue;\n }\n if (element.tagName === 'SLOT') {\n // add shadow dom slot scope (slot itself cannot be focusable)\n var assigned = element.assignedElements();\n var content = assigned.length ? assigned : element.children;\n var nestedCandidates = getCandidatesIteratively(content, true, options);\n if (options.flatten) {\n candidates.push.apply(candidates, nestedCandidates);\n } else {\n candidates.push({\n scopeParent: element,\n candidates: nestedCandidates\n });\n }\n } else {\n // check candidate element\n var validCandidate = matches.call(element, candidateSelector);\n if (validCandidate && options.filter(element) && (includeContainer || !elements.includes(element))) {\n candidates.push(element);\n }\n\n // iterate over shadow content if possible\n var shadowRoot = element.shadowRoot ||\n // check for an undisclosed shadow\n typeof options.getShadowRoot === 'function' && options.getShadowRoot(element);\n\n // no inert look up because we're already drilling down and checking for inertness\n // on the way down, so all containers to this root node should have already been\n // vetted as non-inert\n var validShadowRoot = !isInert(shadowRoot, false) && (!options.shadowRootFilter || options.shadowRootFilter(element));\n if (shadowRoot && validShadowRoot) {\n // add shadow dom scope IIF a shadow root node was given; otherwise, an undisclosed\n // shadow exists, so look at light dom children as fallback BUT create a scope for any\n // child candidates found because they're likely slotted elements (elements that are\n // children of the web component element (which has the shadow), in the light dom, but\n // slotted somewhere _inside_ the undisclosed shadow) -- the scope is created below,\n // _after_ we return from this recursive call\n var _nestedCandidates = getCandidatesIteratively(shadowRoot === true ? element.children : shadowRoot.children, true, options);\n if (options.flatten) {\n candidates.push.apply(candidates, _nestedCandidates);\n } else {\n candidates.push({\n scopeParent: element,\n candidates: _nestedCandidates\n });\n }\n } else {\n // there's not shadow so just dig into the element's (light dom) children\n // __without__ giving the element special scope treatment\n elementsToCheck.unshift.apply(elementsToCheck, element.children);\n }\n }\n }\n return candidates;\n};\n\n/**\n * @private\n * Determines if the node has an explicitly specified `tabindex` attribute.\n * @param {HTMLElement} node\n * @returns {boolean} True if so; false if not.\n */\nvar hasTabIndex = function hasTabIndex(node) {\n return !isNaN(parseInt(node.getAttribute('tabindex'), 10));\n};\n\n/**\n * Determine the tab index of a given node.\n * @param {HTMLElement} node\n * @returns {number} Tab order (negative, 0, or positive number).\n * @throws {Error} If `node` is falsy.\n */\nvar getTabIndex = function getTabIndex(node) {\n if (!node) {\n throw new Error('No node provided');\n }\n if (node.tabIndex < 0) {\n // in Chrome,